Cheia International Summer University
Cheia International Summer University 2024
The protection of legal personality in the digital age
25-28 July 2024
Human existence is increasingly taking place in a digital environment, giving rise to new challenges for countless branches of law – fundamental rights, private law, criminal law, administrative law, migration and asylum law, data protection or intellectual property law. The philosophical, sociological and ethical elements surrounding the dynamics of digitisation should not be overlooked when clarifying legal issues.
In an endeavour to contribute to the legal debate on the protection of legal personality in the digital age, which challenges both scholars and practitioners from a wide range of legal disciplines, Clubul de la Cheia Victor Dan Zlătescu has dedicated this year's 30th anniversary edition of the Cheia International Summer University to the ongoing dynamic developments in this field.
Cheia International Summer University 2023
AI and Human Rights
4-6 August 2023
The 2023 Cheia International Summer University focussed on the various aspects of the use of artificial intelligence (AI), including the respect of human rights.
The session was organized in the context of the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th anniversary of the last World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna.
Cheia International Summer University 2022
The right to food.
International food standards and other current developments at International and European level
5-7 August 2022
The 28th edition of the International University of La Cheia was dedicated to the Right to Food, which has been enshrined in the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" since 1948. This right has remained relevant to this day as one of the most violated rights at international level, famine affecting 10% of the world's population during the pandemic, an increase of about 118 million people since 2019. Food insecurity has increased since the mid-2010s, particularly in countries affected by conflict, climate change, economic recession or high inequality.